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Last update : May 03, 2004

Madagascar the unknown island

Things you can see in here are:

Madagascar by pictures, new features: Pictures are randomly posted .

Madagascar by links (recently updated, check the Press Media List ).

Madagascar by musics and artefact.

Madagascar through the CIA.

Madagascar and the Malagasy Language: References, Dictionary [1] and [2] New .

Hurricane desaster in Madagascar.

Every year Madagascar is hit by hurricanes. These hurricanes normally come from the equatorial region of the Indian Ocean. Some of them have a reasonable strength but others are real devastating.

Here are some animations of satellite images showing the path of the hurricanes. Look at these 10-days Meteosat images.

New New on this page: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Do you know that
"San Francisco is the farthest place from Tolagnaro from any direction"?

NOTE: All the pages at this address are using HTML 2.0 (or higher) language.

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