Madagasikara Madagasikara


This page undergoes frequent update as I get more and recent information. Please feel free to visit and see the new stuff.

Last change: Mar. 29th, 2014


Some Friends of mine's HomePages
Social and Humanitarian associations
Population/Environmental Project NEW
Discussion about Madagascar
Malagasy Embassies and Consular services all around the world
Malagasy Governement Ministry and Education
News on line from/about Madagascar
Interesting sites about Madagascar
Tourism in Madagascar
Links page of others

Some Friends of mine's Home Page NEW

BIG CHANGE !!! Due to the growing list of people who have built pages related to Madagascar (either from Madagascar or have some interest on the island), I have made a separate page for this. I strongly advise you to visit each member of the list if you want to really learn about Madagascar. As far as I can, the language in which the page is written will be specified in brackets.
([MAL] for Malagasy, [ENG] for English, [FR] for French, [JP] for Japaneese, [ESP] for Spanish).

History, Language, Culture, Music, name it, find it from the listed pages.

Please send your URL address (by removing "spam" from the address) to spam andry @ if your page is not yet on the list. (Notes)

Social and Humanitarian associations.

Population/Environmental Project

Please find the list here

Discussion about Madagascar

Malagasy Embassies and Consular services all around the world

Wherever you are (almost), you can get in touch with the Malagasy embassies or consulates. Just find their addess, or telephone number from here.

Malagasy Governement Ministry and Education

The deputy homepage.

News on line from/about Madagascar

Interesting sites about Madagascar

Tourism in Madagascar

Links page of others

Due to the rapid increase of the number of homepages on Madagascar, I found that a lot of users have made better updated links than I. Therefore, I think the following lists can help you a lot in finding what you want on the islands. They point you directly to other users links

I also advise you to browse through the above list of friends, they are posting some other interesting topics.

Any suggestion or feedback from you will be welcome, just drop it at (Please remove "spam" and the blank-space from the address when sending message) spam andry @

Back to my homepage.